Empire Nissan of Bay Ridge

How To Replace Old Nissan Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers are an essential component of any vehicle. They play a vital role in ensuring the driver's visibility during rain, snow, or any other weather condition. However, over time, windshield wipers can wear out and become less effective, making it difficult to see the road ahead. Therefore, it's essential to replace your Nissan windshield wipers regularly. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to replace your old Nissan windshield wipers, so you can drive with confidence and safety.

How to Replace Your Old Nissan Windshield Wipers

Step 1: Determine the correct size

Before you purchase new Nissan windshield wipers, you need to know the correct size for your car. You can find this information in your vehicle's owner's manual or by measuring the old wipers. The length of the wipers may differ between the driver's side and the passenger's side, so make sure you measure both.

Step 2: Purchase new windshield wipers

Once you know the correct size, you can purchase new Nissan windshield wipers. It's always a good idea to buy wipers from an authorized Nissan dealer or a reputable auto parts store. It ensures that you get the right wipers for your car, and they come with a warranty.

Step 3: Remove the old windshield wipers

To remove the old wipers, lift the wiper arm away from the windshield until it locks into an upright position. Then, locate the release tab or button on the wiper blade and press it. While holding the release tab, pull the wiper blade down and away from the wiper arm. Repeat this process for both the driver's side and the passenger's side.

Step 4: Attach the new windshield wipers

Take the new wiper blade and insert it into the same position where you removed the old blade. You should hear a clicking sound when the new blade locks into place. Repeat this process for both the driver's side and the passenger's side.

Step 5: Test the new windshield wipers

After you've attached the new wipers, lower the wiper arm back onto the windshield. Turn on your wipers to ensure that they are functioning correctly. Check for any streaks or skipping, which may indicate that the wiper blades are not attached correctly.

Step 6: Dispose of the old windshield wipers

Now that you've successfully installed your new Nissan windshield wipers, it's time to dispose of the old ones. Most auto parts stores have a recycling program that allows you to drop off your old wipers for proper disposal.

Replace Your Old Nissan Windshield Wipers at a Nissan Mechanic

Replacing your old Nissan windshield wipers is a quick and easy task that can significantly improve your driving visibility and safety. By following these steps, you can replace your wipers yourself and save money on mechanic fees. However, if you're not comfortable performing this task, you can always seek the help of a professional Nissan mechanic. Remember, it's crucial to replace your windshield wipers regularly to ensure that you have a clear view of the road ahead.