Empire Nissan of Bay Ridge

How To Change an Old Nissan Car Windscreen

The windscreen is an essential component of your Nissan car, providing visibility and structural integrity. Over time, due to accidents, cracks, or damage, you may need to replace the windscreen. While it is recommended to seek professional help for windscreen replacement, you can change an old Nissan car windscreen yourself with the right tools and knowledge. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to change an old windscreen on your Nissan car, ensuring a successful replacement.

  1. Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials

Before starting the windscreen replacement process, gather the necessary tools and materials. You will typically need safety gloves, eye protection, a windscreen removal tool, a sealant knife, adhesive, a caulking gun, a new windscreen specifically designed for your Nissan model, and a clean cloth.

  1. Prepare the Work Area

Park your Nissan car in a well-lit and well-ventilated area. Ensure there is ample space around the vehicle to move freely and work comfortably. It is also advisable to cover the car's interior with a protective sheet to prevent any damage or debris from entering the vehicle during the replacement process.

  1. Remove the Old Windscreen

To remove the old windscreen, start by wearing safety gloves and eye protection. Use a windscreen removal tool to gently pry the old windscreen away from the car's frame. Apply consistent and gentle pressure along the edges of the windscreen to release it from the adhesive. Gradually work your way around the entire perimeter until the windscreen is completely detached.

  1. Clean the Windscreen Frame

After removing the old windscreen, clean the windscreen frame thoroughly. Use a clean cloth and a mild detergent to remove any dirt, debris, or adhesive residue from the frame. Ensure that the frame is dry and free from any contaminants before proceeding to the next step.

  1. Apply the Adhesive

Apply a thin, continuous line of adhesive along the perimeter of the windscreen frame using a caulking gun. Ensure the adhesive is evenly distributed and covers the entire circumference of the frame. Be cautious not to apply excessive amounts of adhesive, as it may affect the windscreen installation.

  1. Position the New Windscreen

Carefully position the new windscreen onto the adhesive in the windscreen frame. Take extra care to align the windscreen properly with the frame, ensuring it fits snugly and uniformly. Apply gentle pressure to the windscreen, starting from the center and moving outward, to secure it in place.

  1. Seal the Windscreen

Using a sealant knife, apply a layer of sealant around the edges of the windscreen where it meets the frame. This sealant helps to create a watertight seal and prevents moisture from seeping into the car's interior. Ensure that the sealant is applied uniformly and covers the entire circumference of the windscreen.

  1. Clean and Inspect

Clean the exterior surface of the windscreen with a glass cleaner and a clean cloth. Take the time to inspect the windscreen for any visible imperfections, such as air bubbles or uneven edges. Rectify any issues immediately to ensure the windscreen is properly installed.

  1. Allow the Adhesive to Cure

After completing the windscreen installation, allow the adhesive to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions. This curing period is crucial to ensure the adhesive forms a strong bond between the windscreen and the frame.